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Speaker's Bureau

Over the years, Steven Fink has been invited to speak to businesses, business groups, universities and graduate schools of business around the world. His illuminating Crisis Management and Crisis Communications addresses have ranged from keynote speeches on the crisis du jour to confidential half- and full-day seminars and workshops behind closed doors designed to help businesses better prepare in advance for all manner of crises. He also details what to do and say if a crisis cannot be averted.

See Crisis Management Speakers Bureau for more detailed information on this topic.

In addition, his well-received addresses on Economic Espionage -- the single biggest business crisis in America today -- are eye-opening wake-up calls that show businesses how vulnerable they are to the theft of their trade secrets, from inadvertent but still costly "inside jobs" to intrusion by foreign powers. In addition, he brings the most important message of all: what businesses need to do to protect themselves and their trade secrets, and why businesses may be better off avoiding reporting a theft to the FBI.

See Economic Espionage Speakers Bureau for more detailed information on this topic.

Steven Fink is represented by:

The Martell Agency
1350 Avenue of the Americas, Ste. 1205
New York, NY 10019

(212) 317-2672