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Steven Fink is one of the nation’s leading experts in crisis management and crisis communications, and a true pioneer in the field. He is the author of the seminal work on the subject: Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable, which remains to this day the most successful and widely-read book on crisis management ever published.

More recently, he wrote Crisis Communications: The Definitive Guide to Managing the Message. Whereas Crisis Management deals primarily with the reality of the unfolding crisis and how to manage it, Crisis Communications focuses on the perception of the event and, most especially, the perception of how it is being managed. And, as he asserts, in the pitched battle between perception and reality, perception always wins.

His book Sticky Fingers: Managing the Global Risk of Economic Espionage is a comprehensive eye-opening look at economic espionage and the rampant theft of America's trade secrets -- the single biggest business crisis facing American companies today. It is the first book to critically examine the government’s lackluster efforts to crack down on this epidemic crisis.

As President of Lexicon Communications Corp., the nation’s oldest and most experienced crisis management firm (for more information, please see CrisisManagement.com), he counsels some of the world's most prestigious companies in crisis management, crisis communications, strategic public relations, corporate communications, and high level, confidential issues relating to economic espionage. He has been a strategic advisor and consultant to some of America’s leading chief executives, senior management teams and corporate boards on a wide variety of critical and confidential crisis matters, and has been asked to consult with various branches of government, foreign and domestic, on highly sensitive crisis issues, some involving matters of national security and international diplomacy.

A highly sought-after speaker, he has been invited to lecture at major universities and leading business schools and conduct crisis management seminars, workshops and training programs for companies, organizations and industry groups throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Following the recent revolution in Egypt that toppled that country's then-rulers, he was invited to Cairo to teach crisis management techniques to the new government's leaders, and to show them how to effectively manage the crisis they had just caused.

In addition to his best-selling business books, he has published one novel and is currently finishing a second. (Only his nonfiction works are listed on this site.)

For more information, please click the Biography link above.